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Scheduling and utilizing your interpreter effectively

  • If you are calling to request an interpreter for someone who is Deaf and visually impaired, it's imperative we are informed in advance so we can ensure you have a skilled tactile interpreter if one is needed.
  • Interpreting request that are 1.5 hours or longer, such as workshops, training sessions, lectures, etc. may require two interpreters. The teaming allows interpreters to switch roles every 15-20 minutes which will help reduce physical fatigue and avoid possible repetitive  motion injury.


  • If your appointment runs over the time you have scheduled, your interpreter will only be able to stay longer if their schedule permits. Remember there is a high demand for interpreting services and often interpreters have a very tight schedule.


  • Please remember, when communicating with someone who is Deaf to focus your attention towards them and not the interpreter.  When possible have your interpreter positioned to the side of you and a few steps back, this will allow the person who is Deaf to look at you (your expressions and body language) while still being able to see the interpreter.


  • When having a conversation with someone who is Deaf, please remember to direct your attention towards the person who is Deaf and not at the interpreter.  The interpreter is only there to only facilitate communication and are not allowed to interject personal comments or opinions. 


  • If written documentations will be part of your conversation / presentation or training, if possible please provide copies to the interpreter(s) when they arrive so they can become familiar with the materials that will be discussed.


  • Please keep in mind that interpreters are required to interpret to the person who is Deaf ... everything that a person with "normal hearing" would be able to hear if they were in the same environment.   Side comments or chats in the hallway will be interpreted if they are heard by the interpreter... if you say to the interpreter "Don't sign this" ... that is exactly what they will be signing :) Thinking out loud is discouraged unless it's a positive thought!


  • Please allow a little extra time when using an interpreter to facilitate communication.


  • Relax - using an interpreter is not meant to be difficult or overwhelming.


  • Speak naturally and at your normal pace.


  • Please allow the interpreter to guide you in setting up the room to maximize communication.
Appointments that run over scheduled time:


  • If your appointment runs over scheduled time, the interpreter will stay to complete their duty only if their schedule permits. Remember there is a high demand for interpreting services and often interpreters have a very tight schedule.
  • Expedite the interpreter and deaf consumer through your system - reduce any waiting time in order to avoid going over the scheduled time and driving up your costs to your bill.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):


  • American Sign Language (ASL) is a unique language with its own unique syntax and it has no roots in English.


  • Payment for the services is the sole responsibility of the provider who is needing to make their services accessible to the consumer who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deaf-Blind. For more information, please refer to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


​​​​Voice (210) 590-7446
Fax (210) 590-7203

Independence Plaza I

14400 Northbrook Dr. Suite #200

San Antonio, TX 78232

©  2016  by Services by Vital Signs Inc.

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